Simple Android Phone Tips

Hey guys, now I am here to teach you some simple life hacks on Android phones. You can surely try it now. Cause it is very simple . Quick Battery Recharge You want to charge your phone so quickly while you are in hurry? Here's the solution. Reduce the brightness. Switch off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Put your phone into Airplane Mode by holding the lock button. Airplane Mode makes your don't receive any tower signals. As more battery energy is lost on receiving tower signals, Airplane mode helps you to recharge your phone quick! Battery Saver! Losing battery percent so fast? You wanna play games for hours? If you are not in face of sunlight, then you should try this method. Reduce the brightness level of your phone. Then, put your phone into Airplane mode. Also if you can, switch off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. All these would surely conserve your battery energy. The 'LOUD' speaker Wanna rock with your old phone's rusty ...