Set WhatsApp Profile Picture Without Cropping

HOW TO SET PROFILE PICS WITHOUT CROPPING We have Whatsapp installed on our phone, and we all use it. Whatsapp profile pictures (DP) have to be cropped before uplaoding. While croping the image , important part of the picture may not be there. For evample , while we upload the image with our friend shot on a lanscape mode maynot contain the perfect effect after croping. With the help of a small app we can get the images without cropping. All you have to do is to download this app named SQUARE Droid Download With #SquareDroid you can: ☆ Add blur background to your photo ☆ ☆ Post full size wide photos on Instagram ☆ ☆ Choose between matching colors , or black, or white, or any color you choose ☆ ☆ Upload not square profile picture on Facebook without cropping ☆ ☆ Use gradient background ☆ ☆ Use No Crop for WhatsApp profile picture ☆ ☆ Rotate, scale or fit your photo to a certain format like 4:3 or 21:9