LETS MAKE A FAKE WHATSAPP ACCOUNT! download this app named talk2 download Download This is a Philipiens app for chatting. We dont want to use it , but we need this app to get the international number. STEPS 1. Download the app and verify the OTP 2.After verifying the OTP swipe onthe menu bar to get your number. It will be a number with +63. This is our number for fake whatsapp. 3.Now install whatsapp or change your number and enter the fake number excluding 63. Change the Indian code 91 to 63. 4.Click on the verify and wait for the whatsapp OTP . Within 5 seconds you will get the OTP. 5. Now enter the otp and start using this fake number whatsapp. After this you can uninstall the app. IF YOU FIND ANY DIFFICULTY FOR GETTING OTP, JUST CLEAR DATA OF THE APP AND TRY AGAIN. ENJOY