How to Avoid Downloading TROJANS on ANDROID

We’ve seen on repeated occasions over the past few years that Android is vulnerable to diffrent threats and millions of users have been affected with these vulnerabilites. Even the Playstore is not safe for its users. Most of these vulnerabilities come via the app store, Google Play, and with the news in August 2016 that over 100 apps are carrying the same Trojan horse payload, it’s time to take a look at how you can avoid accidentally downloading such malware to your own android. Trojans offers a hidden and inconspicuous avenue for hackers to gain access to your data, system, or both. Typically they offer some kind of backdoor to everything. A total of 104 apps were affected, and the Trojan have been downloaded by at least 3.2 million users. Once installed, 30 unique pieces of identifiable data are collected by the Trojan — including your device IMEI and other details — which are then forwarded to a server that’s under the control of the attack...