How to download APK files
Android application package file (APK) is the file format used to distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google's Android operating system. APK files are ZIP file formatted packages based on the JAR file format, with .apk file extensions . They can be installed using android package installer .WHY DOWNLOAD APKs ?
Do Google play crashes before the download completes ? Does downloading large files on your phone bothers you ? Do you have high speed internet connection on your pc? Do you want to download apps while you are away from Wi-Fi connection ?
If your answer is yes to at least one of the questions, you can give a go at downloading APK files .
1) Downloading up-to date apks
Many sites which offers apk files does not have the latest version of the app as of in google play . To download the latest versions , you can refer to the following sites :(i)
This site offers you the latest apks of all the apps in google play . You can download the apks easily by searching the app name or package name or by pasting the google play url .
Another site which offers you the latest version of all apks . Just paste the google play link of the app and you are ready to go.
2) Downloading apks of paid apps
Want to give a go at the paid apps before purchasing it or do you think the app doesn't deserve that huge chunks of your hard earned money? Well you can download the apk file of paid apps too .The following sites offer the same :
The above mentioned sites are the most trustworthy ones .
3) Downloading Mod apks :
Mod is the abbreviation of Modified . Modified apks are cracked or modified by a user . For example temple run mod offers you unlimited coins , gems , unlocked characters etc.. where as in temple run apk you have to buy or earn the same . Some sites from which you can download mod apks are mentioned below :(i)

Note: Downloading mod-apks is piracy and illegal while modifying an app by your own is not .
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